About Us
MP Sports offer fun and engaging sessions to young students looking to practice, learn and most importantly enjoy playing various sports. Whether that is further developing skills in their favourite sport or learning all about a new sport; our sessions cater for all. We have expert coaches and teachers that are specialists in various sports meaning all students that participate on our course are exposed to high quality coaching sessions in a range of sports. To find out more about the coaches expertise please visit The Coaches page. Playing a multitude of sports at a young age is extremely important for children’s physical, psychological and social development in sport. Each day will be split into developing technique and skills in the morning followed by afternoons with a greater focus on decision making through game and match play. Every student will have multiple sessions in every sport on offer over the course of the 3 days. Our course is an excellent beginning to secondary school life and allows students to gain a real understanding of where their interests in sport may lie.
All the information and details regarding timings and what your child needs to bring to our Multi-Sports Course can be found in our letter in the new year 7 pack from Wilson’s School as well as reading the answers on the FAQs page. If you have any further questions then please contact us at MPSportsCoaching@gmail.com.